Product Description
Solvent under high pressure flows, at the press of a button, to thoroughly clean the paint passage in less than 30 seconds.
The outside of the gun can be cleaned with a Flowthrough
Brush and dried with a Blow Gun (both included).
Locating the compact UM80S inside the spray booth saves time because the gun can remain connected to the air line and the painter can remain in the booth; the paint channel is flushed while the paint is still "wet".
For use with solvent based paints only.
For use in the spray booth or in the general shop area.
Ideal for cleaning PPS and other disposable cup adapters.
One year warranty,
2-year replacement warranty on pump.
Cleaning tools - nozzle for cleaning paint passage, pad to clean cap, flow-through brush to clean exterior of gun and blow gun to dry paint passage and exterior.
Non-corrosive stainless steel cleaning tank.
Powered by a dual diaphragm pump.